Meat Sticks

Help the Pack and Earn Prizes!

Visit to view all of the available flavors. 

Choose 6 flavors per case and fill out our request form.

We will have the case(s) shipped directly to you. If you want to start with half a case, contact Amy and we will coordinate with another family to get them to you.

Meat sticks are $1.50 each. Once you sell them, submit the $231 payment to our Pack Venmo @CubPack-One and order your next case. The Pack makes a $113 profit on each case we sell. 

This fundraiser is ongoing. Some parents take them to work or find a local business willing to pay for the case and then sell them at their store location. We have also had success selling them at craft show booths or at yard sales. They are delicious and really popular with those that have tried them.